Annealing Made Perfect – Overview of the Mark II Annealer

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At the 2023 SHOT Show, we asked the folks over at Annealing Made Perfect if they could give us a complete overview of their extremely popular and well made MARK II rifle cartridge annealer.  We understand that there are many quality videos showing MARK II tutorials and abilities.  We felt it was necessary for Varminter Magazine to put out fresh information and educate our readers and watchers.  It’s funny how so many of us run in the same circles and read/watch the same things, not recognizing the thousands that don’t know about annealers, or their purpose and function.  With ammunition components still difficult to acquire, the Annealing Made Perfect MARK II is important to extend the life of your brass and ensure you get the most loads out of this new “rare” commodity.  Alex Findley from AMP does a great job with his explanation and we thank him for his time.  We will have another video from the folks at AMP being released the first week of February 2023, that will cover one of their other unique products, the AMP Press, so stay-tuned!



Varminter Magazine
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