If you want to post a question on an online forum, that will garner dozens of different opinions, then the latest question we are covering is the one you want to ask:
Do I Need to Break-In a New Rifle Barrel?
It is a simple question, that does not necessarily have a simple answer. Instead of me repeating my own beliefs, and practices, on breaking in a new rifle barrel, I decided to answer this one a bit differently. While we were at the 2016 SHOT Show, we tracked down three of the biggest, and most popular, custom barrel makers in the world, and ask them what they recommend to anyone buying their barrels, and why do they recommend the procedures. None of the video replies were prompted by my own beliefs, or practices. We explained what we were doing, asked the question, and let the camera run!
Click Below to Watch the Full Video:
With all that being said, I think it is important that hunters and shooters (including myself, and my team), educate themselves on what should, or should not be done, but also why they are making the decision. I hope that the replies from these fine companies, helps do just that.
We want to thank the following companies/people for their time in helping us with this Q&A VLOG:
Shilen Rifles, Inc.
Wade Hull
Krieger Barrels, Inc.
Mike Hinrichs
Woody Woodall